It cost an arm and a leg.本文摘錄自蘋果日報線上美語It cost an arm and a leg.一句直譯是「它要用我一隻手、一條腿來換」,真正寓意是「這件東西花掉了很多錢 」,要留意這裡的動詞cost 是過去式。形容一件東西非常昂貴還有很多表達方式,例如:It cost a bomb. (它有一顆炸彈的價值),至於It was very expensive .和 It was very pricey. 都有「它很昂貴」的含意。 對話 Candy: Is this yours ? 坎蒂: 是你的嗎? Helen: Yes, beautiful isn’t it. 海倫: 對,它很漂亮,不是嗎? Candy: How could you afford it ? It looks like it cost an arm and a leg. 坎蒂: 你怎麼負擔得起?它看來要用一隻手、一條腿來換,很昂貴啊。 Helen: Oh yes I had to mortgage the house to pay for it and then some. 海倫: 噢,是的,我要把房子抵押了才買得起它。 Candy: Wow, so how much did it cost then ? (Breaks the antique plate) I’m sorry. 坎蒂: 哇,那麼它到底值多少錢? (摔破古董盤) 我很抱歉。 Helen: You owe me an arm and a leg. 海倫: 你欠我一隻手臂和一條腿。 Candy: I’m sorry. 坎蒂: 我很抱歉。《昂貴得很》 海倫買了個古董盤,坎蒂說:It looks like it cost an arm and a leg。這直譯就是「它看來要用一隻手、一條腿來換呢」。以一隻手、一條腿換取某些東西,代價當然沉重,所以俚語常用an arm and a leg來說「奇高的價錢」,例如:”That’s a beautiful skirt.” “It should be. I paid an arm and a leg for it.”(或It cost me an arm and a leg)(「裙子很好看呢。」「應該要好看,它可是貴得很呢。」)留意cost這個字的用法。Cost是及物動詞(transitive verb),其後須用受詞(object),例如:It cost (me) a fortune to furnish the house(買家具佈置房子,花了(我)很多錢)。Cost可以有兩個受詞,但和一般及物動詞不同的,是不可用被動語態(passive voice),例如不可說A fortune was cost me之類。和to pay an arm and a leg同義而且同樣帶點血腥味道的,是to pay through the nose。「經由鼻子付款」和「奇高的價錢」有甚麼關係?這有幾個解釋,其一是:rhino希臘文解作「鼻子」,在英文俚語中則當作「錢」。被人敲竹槓,有如鼻孔大出血,例如:I got a ticket, but had to pay through the nose for it(票我是買到了,但價錢奇高)。此外還有a pretty penny這說法。Penny是「便士」,價值甚低,但加上pretty一字,就是「高價」了,例如:A tour round the world is going to cost you a pretty penny(環遊世界,得花不少錢)。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .
- Oct 28 Fri 2011 07:49
It cost an arm and a leg.